I have officially seen it all.
Your boys over at Fillmore have this 6-Family in Clinton Hill, 419 Classon, listed for $599K, right?
No broker is listed on it. A broker over there we know couldn't tell us whose listing it is. But whoever's it is, this joker couldn't even take a screen shot of google street view for the exterior (which would already be lazy enough). They simply took a picture of their computer screen with their camera, 4 times, horizontal AND vertical!!

We think you should know how to press "Print Screen" on a computer (or find someone who does) before you expect to collect as much as $35K in commission on a sale. In less renegade markets, even in the hubs of the foreclosure meltdown like south Florida, a $599K listing typically has pictures and a description like this.
We would love to see pictures, rent rolls, lay-outs - you know, hear a little bit about what we're dropping half a million plus on.
Pro's: price to rental income potential ratio might be great, but who knows?
Con's: Classon ain't the best, G train is closest, 30%+ downpayment on 5+ family, no clarity on contents
Ideally: what will they think of next?
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