Well, she certainly ain't the prettiest thing you've ever seen, but when a multi-family pops up in Clinton Hill for less than a million dollars, we're all ears. 69 Clermont Avenue is a 2-Family close to plenty of amenities on Myrtle, but on that edge of Clinton Hill that's a frustrating hike or bus to a city-bound train. The exterior sure doesn't grab us. The only interior picture on the listing is of a dark, renovated kitchen. Not sure about one of the units being used a daycare center either. The price is close to the 2-Family FHA loan limit, the rents might even be there, but there could be better ways to apply even less money just a few blocks away on 133 Waverly Avenue. The building, though, is 50' deep and boasts 4 bathrooms and 9 bedrooms.
Pro's: proximity to Myrtle, deep building w/large floorplate, 4 bathrooms & 9 bedrooms
Con's: proximity to trains, curb appeal, day care center issues?
Ideally: We'd love to see a lay-out, the inside, and get some more details on this daycare center. However, this place is probably still too expensive for what a million gets in this neighborhood.
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